Friday, August 21, 2009

80 and counting...

This was one of the most "priceless" moments I have seen in a while. Nita's family decided to throw her a surprise 80th birthday party. She was absolutely clueless, as you can see by her face. What made it even better was that she had been discouraged that she wouldn't get to see her children, who live out of state, on her big day. They did a good job of lying to her...I mean, deceiving her. :) Her face revealed pure shock when she came around the house (to see what her "son had built in the backyard") and everyone jumped out and yelled "Surprise"!!! Her reaction??? To hit Samantha with her purse. lol. I love it!!!!

The whole family

Me and Amelia with my bestest, her mom, her sister, and her neice. So glad I got to be a part of it!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

11 mths, OH MY!!!

Has it really been 11 months? I cannot believe that it has been almost a year!! I have started planning the big birthday party. Food, decorations, presents...the list goes on and on. But before I get too ahead of myself, here are Amelia's 11 month shots. The Ragedy Ann dress was mine when I was a baby. My grandma Hazel made it for me. Doesn't she look so cute in it???

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pigtails and giggles..

I love shooting this family. Their personalities are so easy to capture on film. I don't think I've ever seen a bad picture of them! We started off in the heat, got caught in some rain, then ended in perfect, cool weather. Even when naptime rolled along, we caught some cute "not happy" pics...which are some of my favorites!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

And doggy makes 3....

You might recognize this cute couple from their wedding pics I did back in May. Well now they have a new addition to their family. Meet walker. Doesn't he have the cutest "sad" eyes!?! He was so calm (compared to our yorkie). Congrats TJ and Kaci on your new bundle of joy! And doggy makes 3....