Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Potluck

Our family decided to have a halloween potluck dinner this year. This was super exciting because we rarely can all get together outside of the holidays. Costumes were optional and we even had a pumpkin carving contest. It was a lot of fun...even though the best pumpkin was overlooked. lol. I hope we make this a yearly event.

My little duckling...

The ones who dressed up

Grandma Hazel with her great grandchildren

The pumpkins that SHOULD have won. lol.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My niece Laney

I am an aunt!!! Laney FINALLY decided to come out and meet us on October 11th at 3:37pm. She weighed 7lbs & 15oz. It's nice to be able to love on them, kiss on them, and then give them back when they start crying! I think I'm going to like this aunt stuff. :) Here is Miss Laney Kay, only 3 days old.